Why should I use WorldEdit?

It’s a must-have for builders. We recommend the WorldEdit plugin for your server. A new Minecraft server is a world of possibilities, but building grand structures can quickly become a chore. Many players find themselves frustrated as they rack up countless hours crafting large-scale projects. Evenings spent clearing out rough terrain and gathering resources often … Read more

How do I set up a Minecraft server?

Good question. We recommend newcomers try a hosting service. There are an overwhelming number of free and paid hosting providers available for a multitude of games, including Minecraft: Java Edition. Some are great, many are not, and a few excel at particular aspects compared to their competitors. We’ll attempt to walk you through some of … Read more

Which server software is best?

Tough choice. We recommend Paper for most Minecraft: Java Edition servers. Mojang (the developer of Minecraft) provides Realms, a pre-configured space to play with friends, as well as a free program to create multiplayer servers. However, neither option allows for plugins (also known as “server-side mods”) nor much optimization. To fill this gap, the Minecraft … Read more

Is the Dynmap plugin useful?

Yes, we recommend the Dynmap® plugin for your server. Since the early days of customized Minecraft servers, players and administrators alike have yearned to see well beyond their render distance. Whether it be for scouting a future build location, or keeping a watchful eye on the player base, the most popular block game on Earth … Read more

How does mcMMO Classic stack up?

It’s alright. Read before using the mcMMO Classic plugin on your server. This formerly free version of mcMMO (not to be confused with the newer mcMMO Overhaul) is the original RPG plugin for Minecraft servers. Since August 2011, it has provided players the unique ability to hone skills such as Woodcutting (tree-cutting proficiency) and Acrobatics … Read more

What does the Vault plugin do?

More than you might think. We recommend the Vault plugin for your server. The original CraftBukkit server software (which Spigot and Paper are built upon) was released back in December of 2010. Less than one year later, Vault was made available on BukkitDev. With it keeping its place as one of the most-downloaded plugins to … Read more

EssentialsX, is it worth installing?

Yes, we recommend the EssentialsX plugin for your server. Since the earliest days of Minecraft server software, there has been a desire and need to accomplish basic tasks which are not included in the game itself. Easy access to points of interest, teleport requests, and extra moderation tools which we now take for granted were … Read more

Why does everyone use LuckPerms?

It’s unrivaled. We recommend the LuckPerms plugin for your server. LuckPerms is hands down the best permissions plugin for Minecraft servers. Created and maintained by developer lucko, its introduction in 2016 was a literal game-changer. Predecessors such as PermissionsEx and GroupManager contained several limitations or bugs which made picking a permissions plugin a lot like … Read more